Monday, December 1, 2008

Time Management for Success

There is a proverb which says that time that has passed cannot be bought with any amount of gold. Naturally one should cherish his time for it is a limited resource. Deadlines of our work generally approach whether or not we have started our work or are a bit slow in the progress. One can’t make up his time, once it is lost.
If we don’t have the skills in time management work usually gets backlogged. We then are caught chasing our own tail due to an accumulation of a huge amount of work. These tasks that remained unattended for some time increase the pressure and finally result in stress. At this point people usually complain about overload without understanding that the situation was created because of their poor time management skills.
One of the important things for lasting success is to set certain goals with definite deadlines. Goals without deadlines are mere wishes, dreams. Without putting deadlines on them and managing ourselves within the time limit allotted we can’t make our dreams come true.
One needs to understand the importance of time management. Every minute of our life has value because success depends on every small step we take. If we fail to give importance to the seconds, we will lose minutes and eventually hours and days. Finally, our results will be poor when all of these accumulate. Managing our time efficiently is the main part in achieving our desired goals.
Time management doesn’t mean a constant work towards a goal. If the relaxation is not incorporated in the plan, then at some point slowly accumulated stress will make it impossible for us to continue. Proper planning helps reduce stress on a daily basis for as much as possible.
Our success in life depends on how well we can prioritize our tasks and how efficient we are at performing them. Ideally all tasks should be performed while they are important but not urgent yet to minimize unnecessary stress. Recognizing the right task at the right time to focus upon is important for having success in every area of life.
Time management coaching can help you learn this important skill. Life-skill coaches can direct and motivate you on the path to success. They can teach you how to use time effectively and efficiently, the importance of relaxation for success and the techniques to relax. All of these are important for every goal in life be it achieving high productivity at work, or having a happier personal life or anything else.
We can’t control or manage time but we can manage and change ourselves to deal with time efficiently. This is all that time management is about.

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