Saturday, August 9, 2008

Create Your Reality

In his book "Paths To Power" Floyd B. Wilson considered different aspects of our spiritual development.

The "Paths To Power" fully complements "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles and "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. While "The Science of Getting Rich" concentrates on the laws of creation, laws of getting rich, the "Paths to Power" provides techniques how to clear the mind and how to progress on daily basis to reach our goals.

Read the "The Science of Getting Rich", then the "Paths to Power" (it is free for subscribers - see the subscription box on the left), take "Create your Reality" program that will be introduced soon at a very low introductory price to ensure everybody can afford it and benefit from it. This way you will have all the tools to manifest what you want in your life.

1. Read the "Paths To Power" to further the knowledge of some of the principles, learn mind clearing techniques and more. You need to read it several times to really grasp the concepts.

2. Take "Create Your Reality" course that provides mind clearing and mind programming techniques, emphasizes the important aspects presented in the book and provides practical knowledge on how to make your dreams come true using time management techniques, relaxation techniques and much more.

This way you will have all the tools to succeed.

"Create Your Reality" expands the aspects presented in the book and concentrates also on the practical aspects of making your dreams come true.

As I always love to stress:
"A key to success is to become empowered with knowledge and then to take actions to make your dreams come true. The first part is extremely important however without the second part nothing will happen."
DO NOT expect any program to do your part. Take ACTIONS to make things happen.

I will cover some of the important aspects of the "Paths to Power" in later posts. Stay tuned!

Till next time,
Lynn Alex